Monday, January 25, 2010

Jamie's B'Day Celebration @ RA SUSHI

Happy Birthday Jamie!!!
(aka Lauren my nickname)
Look at my FAB LIL Diva Dolls!

Pic 1> Ramona Jones Karma Nikki Culberson Pic 2 & 3 > Birthday Girl and Guest.
The ladies at Diva Doll Hair Studio are a close knit family. Diva Dolls is about more then fabulous hair it's a life style.


I wish I could say that my experience at Ra Sushi was a pleasant one but... I can't tell a lie. It was a Hot Schezuan Terror-yaki Wok fried mess. Two hour wait for table due to 8o% party policy, to the waiter demanding a credit card at the time of placing my order, talkin bout... I need to start a tab. WTF, I'm ordering food not drinks are you kidding? I know what it really was about. It was Ninja night at Ra and he wasn't about to get stiffed on the ticket. Trying to make the best of the situation I offered to pay upfront. He proceeded to run down RA's policy. I politely asked him to skip the spill and tell me how much my bill would be. *Blank Stare* Whatev. Dude Beat it.
I asked to speak to the manager and had a mind boggling convo with what I gather was a waiter/actor posing as a manager (Dude wouldn't give me his last name.) After I finished listening to the all the bullish that came out of his mouth like "We are not a nightclub and yadi yadi ya.... " I waited for the "and scene" hand signal indicating that his lil matinee feature was over. (Funny thing is when I got home my twitter timeline was filled with how garbage Ra is.)
When in the company of fabulous people you try your best to overlook raggedy details of a shotty run bidness and make the best of it. Thank God for Good Friends & Alcohol.
Sayonara ;>
K. Anntionette

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