Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Grand opening of Poggenpohl's Kitchen Design Studio in the Galleria retail district was an awesome display of class, luxury and sophistication. The design studio felt as if you were at a soiree in the chic stylish kitchen of someone's uptown loft. I absolutely Luv'd it! After all the kitchen is where the party really begins...think about the house parties you've attended in the past. Some how people tend to migrate to the kitchen for cozy chats and most of all to refresh your drink and goodies. Pic 1> Guest got a personal view of the new dining Desk which was introduced at The Milan Furniture Fair. What's interesting about this piece is the sides are moveable and highly funtionally for entertaining. One side houses a built in cooler chest while the other side has a moveable serving cart.

Delicious cocktails were provided by Grey Goose Vodka.

Pic 1> Riva Eaches Interior Design Student/Art Institute of Houston Pic 2> Chef Hardette Harris

Pic 1> Bromley Oliver (center)

Pic 1> Jarrod Veal Pic 2> Sophia Petty/Foscari Interiors Pic 3> Iva L. Carasco

Luv ya;>
K. Anntionette

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