Friday, October 17, 2008

Guest of The House of Blues arrived

House of Blues Owner & actor Dan Akroyd. I have to admit that I squealed out loud when I met him and I've met a lot of famous people. But... I grew up watching The Blues Brother's on SNL.

(pic2>Powerbroker's networking by the bar (pic3>Model Sakara Ross

(pic 4>Chamillionare
(pic 5>97.9 The Box Terri Thomas, guest, J-que, J-Mack
(pic 6>James Prince & The Lambo. I know the valet was losing it.
(pic 7, 8, 10 >Can someone tell me who these men are? I was told at the time of the photo that they played football. I've sent a message to the girls at Let's see what they turn up!
Thanks Boss Lady of Balleralert!
Pic 7> Ephriam Salaam Houston Texan
Pic 8> Earl Cochran Houston Texan
Pic 10> Travis Johnson Houston Texan
(pic 9>My fellow PR Diva Tiffany & Client (Tiffany call me gurl!)

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