Monday, October 13, 2008

Daddy's other lil Girl!!

Guess who's famous daddy this little girl secretly belongs to? Ok, One clue... You've called him daddy too. Oh yeah, that's not Tyra Banks holding her hand.

If this is in deed this man's baby, I hope that he eventually acknowledges her publicly before she's old enough to hear about her father's other children ie her 1/2 brother's & sister's. After all he's not married to his other on again-off again-girlfriend/baby mama and he claims their children. As well as children from her previous relationships. To make matters worse his "on-again off-again" ex-girlfriend baby mama already publicly confirmed this child was a reality. So why the mystery? Any who! I could see if he was married or something...but we all know that ain't gonna happen because he ..."Can't stop won't stop."
Luv ;>
K. Anntionette

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