Arthur J. Johnson Author of Ignite The Fire Within
"Empowering individuals and organizations to realize their potential and maximize their performance..."
Im open to anything positive and motivating on my quest to conquer the world. (Ok, improve my life.) So when my spiritual mommy invited me to a weelky seminar that she was attending I gladly accepted the invitation. Every Tuesday night a group of people gather round to hear the inspirational words of motivational speaker Arthur J. Johnson share valuable information from his fabulous book "Ignite The Fire Within." PEOPLE... Ive got to be totally honest with you. I was beyond impressed. Arthur Johnson is the truth and you can't deny the truth when you hear it, no matter how hard you try. I found myself wiggling and jiggling in my seat as he asked the hard questions like... What's stopping you from accomplishing your dreams? Or when Johnson breaks down the laws of positive thinking, things I already know but for whatever reason don't always practice on a daily basis.
Y'all I felt like Jamie Fox said he felt when he couldn't look Prince in the eye because it made him feel some kind of way. Johnson has this magnetic force that just draws you in and guess what he changes the dim light bulb in your head. BLING! I doodled an idea on my notepad while listening to him speak. Here's just a few things this dynamic motivational speaker shared...
Change is inevitable. Growth is optional! While the WORLD keeps constantly CHANGING... Are you going to make the conscious or sometimes unconscious decision to stay in the same spot or grow (Not go) with the progress. Your decision is what makes the difference between whether you are Living Life by DESIGN or by DEFAULT. Some of us feel that finding a nice comfortable spot and standing still is BALANCING life... But on the contrary when you're standing still you are essentially going backwards since time is a force that is always moving ahead and can't go backwards. Therefore to stay in one spot and not move forward is by virtue moving backwards. (Yeah, I know it's kind deep.)
Another point is what would you do with your life if "Failure was not a option." (Think about that for a minute.) Here's another one.. A Setback is only a set up for success. If you fail at something try again because if you break down the word AGAIN it reads A GAIN. So never give up if you should fail the first time just try AGAIN and you'll get A GAIN. (Good stuff people.) I'm going to leave you with a lil math problem. If every letter in the alphabet is associated with a number then A would equal 1 and B equal 2. Check this out the mathematical formula of the word A T T I T U D E = 1 + 20 + 20 + 9 + 20 + 21 + 4 + 5= 100. Your ATTITUDE is 100% of everything you do. So get it in check and give 100%.
If you like what you just read then your mind will be blown by Arthur Johnson's book "Ignite The Fire Within" want to hear it straight from Johnson's mouth then come to Allen Dave Tribute Center 2103 Cypress Landing Road every Tuesday at 630 pm. I guarantee your life will be changed. I know I felt a change when I left. I jumped in my car put on the jazz station (Sometimes you need to hear instrumental so no other voice interferes with your thoughts.) moved my seat back grabbed my steering wheel and took charge of the road and allowed the positive vibe I just received sink into my mental psyche. As I drove past the downtown skyline I smiled and thought to myself "THE WORLD IS MINE."
Arthur Johnson and Ahmard Vital
SOCIAL PRIVY APPROVED> "Ignite the Fire Within" can be purchased on website because you can't borrow my copy and just like the ol commercial says "No my brother you got to get your own."
OKAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!! I'm Reloaded ;>
Im Lifted Already!
Excellent inspirational post! I can't attend Tuesdays because I have class, but I will definitely investing in the book. I am all about the postitivity!
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