So I'm pulling up to Starbucks for my daily dose of designer coffee (Tall Coffee w/Hazelnut shot and cream)... When I notice a group of dudes (There is a reason why I call them dudes.) So they *PAUSE* and survey the wilderness and set their sets on what they thought was innocent prey. (Males are such hunters.) Anywho! In my mind Im like "Whatcha lookin at dudes because I knows I looks a hot deep fried mess. I'm talkin about imagine if the Scare crow from THE WIZ." (Dont judge me that's how I roll this aint LA!!!)
Anywho... I know why they're lookin because they're car boopers which automatically turns me off. I never get that kinda of attention when I'm rollin in my whooptie-ride Sterling the Steel Stallion. (98 Jeep Cherokee) So Dudes linger to see me get outta car. I purposely take my time exiting because I want to see how long they can stall. I win the standoff. By the time I walk inside they've got their beverage's and are posted up. I go about my bidness and head for the cream & sugar when I hear PSSST. I look over my shoulder to see a grown ass man bent over in a pimp like stance motioning me to come over all the while mouthing some type of bullish'. I pretend I didn't notice. PSSSTTTT. So I think to myself Really Dude? Ok *que music "I'm going in, "I'm going, and I'm go hard."
Me: Pardon Me...
Dude: Say agh Whats your name? (I never trust any man that starts a sentence off with say agh)
Me: lol... umm if you wanted to know my name the proper approach would've been for you to get up and walk across the room to address me privately.
Needless to say a debate was born at that very moment. My point is I was raised by a MAN not a DUDE or a MALE. (There is a huge difference.) My father God rest his soul... taught me that any man worth anything will approach what he wants with a certain level of respect. Never walk up to a male that beckons you, especially if he makes animal noises pssstttt psssttt. That is what you do when you want your dog/bitch to come or fetch something. Second, don't walk up to a man's car if he beckons you because that's what pimps, prostitutes and tricks do. If he finger motions to you then you are either the prostitute or the trick. If I had to be one or the other Im going to be a pimp therefore I prefer to make men approach my vehicle. Third, you can tell a lot about a man's character by the way he approaches you. If he's too lazy to walk across the room and address you then he's a lazy mofo, or either he thinks he too "good" to walk up to a woman and last he's a coward who fears rejection. The world is full of rejection for men and they are built to handle it or at least they're suppose to. So Dude Cowboy up and ride for what you want.
Let me end this random rant by saying Dude... Mistake #1 Let's be honest. You holla'd at me because of my car. You only saw a female with a hat smashed down on some unruly bed head. #2 You wanted me to go out of my way to tell you my name. What I look like? I didn't choose you. YOU CHOOSE ME! But what makes this story worse is dude was a Pastor in his late 40's. Seriously, Dude you of all people should know better.

Am I wrong? ;(
K. Anntionette
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