The Black Summer's Night tour came to the Toyota Center last night and brought with it a concert full of top billing artist. Opening act Chrisette Michele, my beloved baby daddy Common and my other baby's daddy Maxwell. Both my heartthrobs on the same ticket... What's a girl to do?
Tonight I had to choose which baby daddy I was going to give my full love and devotion to and Maxwell won. Besides I just spent the night with Common last week...Hey don't judge me!!!
Anywho... Maxwell worked the stage like no other. Seriously, watching him do those James Brown splits and slides made me want to run straight to a yoga class so I could keep up with him. That man is limber.
There was one particular move he did that made me Hmm *pause* I could do lil somethin' somethin' wit that position. OKAY!!!! ;>
His band is awesome and surprisingly over half of them are from Houston most notably Robert Glasper. I was also really impressed with the lighting on stage it really set the mood watching Maxwell's silhouette gyrate and groove to the beat. I swear I was transported to another place with him... alone in my boudoir. Hey I'm just keeping it real. Baby is some kind of special.

Maxwell ran through his current hits and of course the ol school fro'd out Maxwell grooves. Which were pure bliss to my ears. I've been in love with Maxwell since the beginning and won't stop even when the cops come knockin. My favorite moment was when white feathers rained down from the ceiling while he sang "Pretty Wings."

At one point in the show he questioned why he hadn't any panties thrown at him and WHOOOSSSH a pair of black 3X lace boy cut panties went flying across the stage. He picked them up and stretched them out making a flirty statement about "Big things in Texas" and stuck them in his back pocket. And no...they were not mine because I didn't wear any. Now there!!!

Luv ya ;>
K. Anntionette
PS: I missed Chrisette Michele's show because the babysitter was running late but I hear she gave a great show.