Saturday, March 21, 2009

Erykah Badu's Stalker Nabbed

Erykah Badu was confronted for the third time by a white female and her large dog at her residence today. Apparently the woman has imposed upon Erykah on several occassion even leaving bizaare items and drawings on her lawn. On prior encounters Erykah was compassionate towards the woman's mental and sternly advised the woman to keep her distance however today the neo-soul singer called the police. The woman was pepper sprayed, cuffed and dragged away. The incident caused Ms. Badu to be a little tardy for her performance at SXSW. Erykah was understandably shaken by the incident and shared the experience with her tweeps on Twitter. Erykah we are just glad that you are ok. God Bless

Luv ya;>

K. Anntionette

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