Friday, August 27, 2010

Change of address

Hey everybody, all my loyal privy peeps! Social Privy has moved to Thank You so_O much for all of your support these past two years! (Can you believe it?!) I look back on all the wonderful post and can't help but swell with pride. It's been a pleasure...Let's see what else the future holds!

Tootles ;>

K. Anntionette

Monday, June 28, 2010

Farouk Shami of Chi Systems debuted a select group of Houston Hairstylist at The Greenspoint Marriot Hotel Sunday afternoon. The event was hosted by the Miss USA Crystal Stewart and judged by Great Day Houston's Debra Duncan and playwright Je'Caryous Johnson. Roy Butler of RB International Hair Studio was one of the three stylist showcased. His performance was entitled Beautiful Nightmare. My fav moment was when he snatched the lacefront off of a outdated wannabe Dream girl and spun her into a FAB'TASTIC GLAMSTRESS. Whew... Lawd knows we wish he would hit the streets and continue turning horrific nightmares aka Lacefronts into beautiful fantasies. Check out RB International in the flesh at 5308 Almeda 713 522 7171.
All the models hair was coiffed using Chi Products. Deep Brilliance is the latest perm system by Farouk, from the lips of the hairstylist and models it's a great product. Another notable moment was when Farouk spoke to the audience about the importance of using ammonia-free products. More importantly he addressed the negative effects of using ammonia based products on our hair are directly related to the decline in some African American's health and birth defects. He also educated us about the value of using products based in silk. All in all the CHI Expo was a wonderful informative event that Farouk plans to continue next year. Stay Tuned!
Tootles!! *twirling and swirling hair* ;>
K. Anntionette

Thursday, June 24, 2010

BMW Southwest unveiled the new 5 Series with a Fashion Show and Benefit for the Fodice Foundation Thursday evening.

The 550I among other 5 Series made a stunning debut alongside Page Parkes models as they both took a stroll down the runway.

BRAVO! Job well done. I've always thought combining fine automobiles and haute couture would be a Fab'tastic and innovative concept.

Neiman Marcus provided the fabulous and sophisticate attire complementing a superb elegant evening