Common debut his latest project Universal Mind Control @Bambou. The man is absolutely breathtaking...I was a fan before but now I'm his official groupie. There's been only one artist that I attached that dreadful title to before and I no longer luuuv him. But...Common makes me want to moan syllables
AAAAGH EEEEEEHH IIIIII OOOOOO UUUUUUUU!!!!! Damn! I was very professional when I met him but inside I was very unprofessional. As he signed my paraphernalia I thought to myself shiidt I got something you can autograph. I handed him my sharpie and actually stuttered and stammered. Just my luck the damn thing didn't work. (It was brand new and I forgot to push it down on something hard so the tip would get moist. lol) He looked at me with those chocolate brown eyes and said "This doesn't happen to often...normally these things work." (I swear y'all, that's what he actually said.)
He saw that I was a lil out of sorts. (He's so considerate) I didn't want to monopolize his time so I moved out the way so other groupies who were more prepared could get some luv. Then I heard someone ask for a kiss. I don't know what happen but I jumped the line and asked for one too...he looked at me with those brown eyes again and this time I noticed he had freckles and then he leaned in...and it happened he kissed my cheek and I felt moisture. (get your mind out the gutter) Just a hint of moisture on my cheek from those pink juicy lips of his. I felt his energy seep through my skin, I might be pregnant y'all. (My mother always said you could get pregnant from kissing, let's see if she's right.) If my prayer's are answered I'll deliver on Christmas Day!!!
I told him about my charity organization and we tried to use the sharpie again. This time it was nice & wet so it worked. After he signed it he looked at me & said "Dope!" I swear when he's looking at you, he's really looking at you. I'm in luv!

Plus I luv a man that can break-pop-tick & lock. Yes!! There was a breakdance challenge. I don't care if the other guy did a back flip my baby has skillz.
Ok! Enough of the gushing... his cd is dope buy it and support our future child.
K. Anntionette Common
Ps: I hear he has a thing for big booty girls who play tennis. I knew I should've worn the tennis skirt, sports bra & Bamboo earrings but my friend Ms. Ta-da' said that it would've been in appropriate.