Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Usher presents Ladies Only One Night Stand @House Of Blues

My One Night Stand w/Usher

Usher is definately an entertainer...he knows how to put on a show but...I got to be honest (this is a blog right? This is myspace and aint' no one payin' me hush yo mouf $$$$$, soo I got to be honest...) "I" K. Anntionette, the journalist was not a happy camper. I'll just leave it at that for right now. So I had to switch roles into K Anntionette, the consumer. I was a lil' pissed off about the difference in price range of the tickets... Let's do Promotion's Algebra Shall we... House of Bluse occupancy is I'm not sure but I think about 1800 @ $150 a ticket is over $180,000 income. Artist w/band @ about I'm guessing for Grammy award winning veteran Usher about $50,000 + venue/staff, adverstising & marketing operational cost of House of Blues= x-z+y add 1...2...3... =what you can get away with on admission cost.

(per phone conversation) Box office lady on the Phone (in her most optimistic voice): "Tickets are $150. I have 1 seat left in the balcony but it's an obstructed view."

K. Anntionette (mental response) ???? Ok! Thanks! (mental response) Shiiddt!!!! Were supposedly in a economic recession. If I pay that price I'll be eatin' top raman noodles instead of Nit Noi pad thai noodles for lunch for about a week. I luv dining out soo, you know I wasn't going to be doing that. Plus I like Usher and everything but I'm more of a ol' school Usher girl... So when it comes to $15o a ticket... I'm like, Congrats on getting married & having a baby... I sincerely wish you the best, I really do!!! But... I ain't payin' nobodies child support unless they're my babies !!!!! Ladies One Only Night Stand my @$$!! Sound like somebody is pimpin' . Usher, would have to give me some of his DNA before I pay him $150 to "just" sing & dance. He's got to do lil more for me for that kind of paper, if you know what I mean & I ain't never paid for those services before & I ain't about to start now ;> )

I tried to do this the right way but in the spirit of an ol' Usher CD I'm going to have to do this MY WAY.

Ok!!!!! On the street tickets went for about $60 (so I thought to myself in my best N'walins' accent) ooohhh-yaaagh! Now, I just might pay that price for a one night stand with Usher at The House of Blues...But let me turn one mo' corner & see if I can find something better (I swear yall, I'm a lil too old to be going through all this for "Ursher" as my auntie would say. I wouldn't be going through all this if I didn't feel a "journalistic duty" to cover this show. I promise I would be somewhere sippin' on a glass of Merlot with Usher playing in my i-pod lol;> So I turned one good corner bumped into a old industry friend and ...BINGO!!! I'm in!!! That's more like it!!! (Sorry can't give away my "trade" secrets.) Good lookin' out Big Daddy & you know who you are!

Once inside The House of BLUE's "I" K. Anntionette, "the journalist" was so exhausted from the teasing, flirting, foreplay and walking those cold city streets to get my One Night Stand with Usher... I was a lil' over it... until about 30 to 45 minutes into the show when he did some of the older songs that's when I was reminded Why... "I" K. Anntionette "the music enthusiast" luv Usher Raymond "the ultimate performer".

People behind the scenes...

The hottie houston based Band member...The die hard fan & the background dancer diva in the Tux (right) & The sexy background vocalist with the punk-rock swagger

Ps: Usher I would've blogged about your new music, your performance etc. however due to circumstances beyond my control I wasn't given that kind of access. Therefore I had to write this from the consumer's point of view. But still...You were great!!!!

I'm sorry I'd to tell the truth;> K. Anntionette

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